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I use it during my slope unit and then again later in the year as cyclical review. If you wait a few months and use the same maze again, students don’t remember the original. The mazes themselves are easy to complete and you can see really quickly who’s getting it and who isn’t. I have them do their work on a whiteboard while they find their way through the maze. At this point, I teach slope by itself (without introducing a y-intercept) and get students comfortable with what it represents, how to identify it in the different representations, and then have them compare slopes.
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Pro Soccer Online is a 1st/3rd person, highly skill based, online multiplayer soccer game. It offers a sports game experience unlike any other with smooth, physics based, input driven gameplay that is competitive and rewarding with no pay to win mechanics. If you aren’t familiar with Shmoop videos, this one is a great one to start with. It’s a short video that explains the basics of slope in a quirky way. This video focuses on what slope is generally and what it is in a mathematical sense. Unless the game sends messages in plain text, you’re generally going to need to reverse engineer some of the game client to hook into it, or to figure out the cryptography being used so you can emulate it on a proxy.
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Find The Gradient Of A Line Using Its Graph
Knockout games are interactive games that you play with the whole class. You present it on the overhead projector and the students choose questions. They do the work on a whiteboard and you have them show you their work. Kids get really into because they there are bonuses that can be good or bad. This particular set of mazes includes three mazes for identifying slope. It has one maze for tables , one for graphs, and one for verbal descriptions .
When kids learned how to count, they had years to get the numbers down. I could be patient and take the time necessary to give them a solid foundation with slope. The x and y-intercept calculator makes this task easy as you only have to enter the equation into the calculator and select which intercept you want to calculate. The output also displays a graph showing the intercepts in the x-y plane. Algebra answer, solving equation in excel, covert 55% to fraction. Printable grade one math sheets, multiple equations in excel, AWmain, prep guide for Intermediate Algebra, 2nd order homogeneous differential eqns, quadratic word problems test,, Middle School Level Algebra Solver.
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